North Fenton United Methodist5984 NYS Route 79
Mail: PO Box 175
Chenango Forks, New York 13746
Phone 607 648 6135
North Fenton UMC is now a distribution point for free meals from Dottie's Kitchen on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00pm-5:00pm each week. Come and get a hot meal for yourself or a neighbor in need. No questions asked.
Come and worship our Lord Jesus Christ with us, where ALL people are welcome. Let us rejoice together, Sundays at 9:00am. See you then! We are also Livestreamed on Facebook @NorthFentonUMC. Get your bulletin from the banner above and select the current date to download.
Faith, Fun and Friendships: CAN & BOTTLE COLLECTION
Hear ye!! We are starting a new children’s ministry we are calling Faith, Fun and Friendships. This ministry’s purpose is to raise money to send children to Sky Lake Summer Camp who might not otherwise be able to attend. Raising the money is simple and something everyone does already and that is to save your 5 cent returnable bottles to drop off at the church. They will be returned, and the monies will be reported on and held in “account” designated for this ministry. A collection bin has been designed with all materials and labor donated. You’ll be blessed to be a blessing to the children in the community.
Safe Haven Congregation
North Fenton United Methodist Church is a Safe Haven Congregation of The United Methodists of Upper New York.
Bible Study
We gather every Tuesday at 9:30am. Won’t you plan to join us as you grow in your discipleship of Jesus Christ? If you have questions, please contact Pastor Michele.
Cozy Quilters
The Cozy Quilters will gather weekly at the church on Wednesday at 10:00am. Join our group, as we make quilts for the homeless.
Prayer, we're here for you!
Have a prayer request? Submit it here! Just click on the Prayer tab and submit your request. We are happy to pray for you!